Professor Panayiotis Ketikidis is the co-founder of the Hellenic Business Angels Network (HeBAN), Chairman of the South East European Research Centre (SEERC) and the Vice Principal for Research, Innovation and External Relations of CITY College, an internatio- nal faculty of the University of Sheffield. He has over 30 years of experience in manage- ment, education, innovation, research, and competitive research funding, with several networks established as a result of this experience. He is regularly invited as a keynote speaker to national and international business and academic conferences. Prof. Ketikidis is the president and founder of the Triple Helix Association Chapter of Greece, estab- lished in 2013; a member of the Board of the Innovation Zone of Thessaloniki [(AZK) 2013-present]; a member of the Board at Technopolis – Thessaloniki ICT Business Park (2010-present); emeritus member of the Exporters’ Association of Northern Greece Management Board [(SEVE) 2006-present); and member of the Administration Board
Centre for the support of female employment and entrepreneurship [ERGANI (2006- 2016)]. For many years, he was also an expert reviewer of DG XIII (Telecommunications, Information Industries, and Innovation) for the European Commission and has also been involved in many European Information Technology projects funded by the European Commission (1992-present). Prof. Ketikidis is the Chief Editor of the International Jour- nal of Innovation & Regional Development (IJIRD), European Editor of the International Journal of Enterprise Network Management (IJENM) and founder of the International Conference for Entrepreneurship, Innovation, and Regional Development (ICEIRD).